The thing about thoughts is that theyre pretty well understood by scientists already. When someone thinks they do generate electro magnetic waves which can be sensed (and even interpreted by machines), but the human body does not have receptors for these kinds of waves.
We have been able to transmit thoughts into a brain using a process called transcranial magnetic stimulation, but the idea that I can sense someone else's thoguhts without the aid of machines is not at all a reasonable hypothesis. You don't provide any evidence for this extraordinary claim. The guy you are responding to makes his point much less politely than necessary, but I still think his point is reasonable and your reshaping of his question is overly conciliatory.
I think that maybe instead of simply claiming to understand the complexities of thought and making broad nice-sounding unproven claims, you should look into the study of thought yourself. The university of washington recently did some amazing work where one person's thought was translated and beamed into the head of another person using machinery. Wouldn't it be better to talk about the potential of this incredible science rather than to state plainly that humans are able to read each other's minds without any evidence and despite the obvious evidence to the contrary?
This animation looks nice, but it really bothers me that you make so many extremely fantastic claims without evidence. I then am rather astonished that you're shocked and disgruntled when others attack these claims.
I'm sorry but Spirit Science seems much like many other forms of pseudoscience in that it makes claims that sound nice without taking any time to prove these things. I liked that you kept your calm and made nice looking animation, but I can't give you 5 stars for defending such an unsound set of beliefs.